The waters of the Dead Sea are unique: comprising magnesium, potassium and calcium chlorides, in addition to a high concentration of bromides. Dead Sea salt products replenish cells, re-hydrate;re-stabilize and defy the aging process. The skin only absorbs substances it recognizes as similar components to its own cells.The Dead Sea salts and minerals are consistent with ours.
For best results: Pour 2-3tb.sp. into bath,soak for 20 minutes.
Body POLISH: Blend into a paste with “Practical Magic” matching body oil.Gently apply in circular motion to body and rinse.
Dead Sea skin products are beneficial for problems associated with skin conditions and disorders. The Dead Sea products specifically the Dead Sea skin products alleviate allergic reactions. Other irritations and conditions including psoriasis, eczema, flaking and dry skin are improved significantly with Dead Sea skin products.
250 gr. Price: $15.00 each (quantity update from shopping cart)+shipping, PayPal: